Inner TransCeformation

What we do

Training For Corporates and Institutes
Employee training is required frequently at every stage. Since fast changing and developing market dynamics make the knowledge and skills of employees obsolete, they require constant training to cope with the needs of the corporate sector, jobs and customers.

Clients have continued to trust Global Pathfields for our ability to understand their business and customize their programs, create a fun learning environment, efficient trainers and a systematic training approach. Our mode of delivering learning experiences is through classroom, outbound and e-learning modes that prelude to our latest venture into the space of Learning Management Systems. One of our efforts to accelerate learning and increase accessibility to training to every individual is through the Learning Management Systems.

- Employers can influence behavior and, physical and mental health, by providing a supportive and health conscious environment.
- Regular support and training can keep employees happy and healthy.
- It increases loyalty, reduces attrition, and enhances the overall health and wellness of the organisation.
- Corporate Wellness boosts employee morale, productivity, and good decision making.
- Employees will go that extra mile for you and stay loyal when they know you care.
- We co-create a training programme that aligns with your organisation culture and ensures long-term programme sustainability.

Training Topics
- Holistic Stress Management
- Igniting the Inner Consciousness to Achieve Higher Results
- Improving Happiness Index
- Strengthening Inter personal Communication
- Relationship Management
- Mind Body Healing from Many Diseases
- Enhancing Your Brain Power

The Training Techniques
Cognitive Behaviour Technique: How the synergy of body and mind works in shaping one’s personality

- Mindfulness Technique
- Mind Relaxing Techniques Using Self Hypnosis
- Positive Reprogramming of Subconscious
- Ego Purification
- Neuro Linguistics Program

Who We Are
Global Pathfields is one of the fastest growing corporate training organisations in the country today and has consulted with various clients. Global Pathfield’s training programmes are not just sessions of knowledge sharing but a set of activities and exercises that are woven together to meet the programme’s objectives. Global Pathfields has the bandwidth to deliver training programmes across India and abroad through its elite pool of trainers and facilitators who are a combination of multi skilled consultants and specialists in certain niche areas.

Our Team
Global Pathfields is a team of high energy, experienced and passionate leadership trainers, soft skill trainers, executive coachers and life coaches, facilitating high quality, interactive and result oriented attitudinal and developmental interventions, with a global outreach. Our team has proven expertise in understanding and delivering need based training programmes being well versed in adult learning principals.

In our training workshops, we facilitate the development of knowledge, skills, attitude and competencies that are hard wired in consonance with the organisation’s vision and mission. Our corporate motivational speakers will energise and inspire your executives to get going.

Global Pathfields’ Experience
- Worked with diverse clients in India
- Build Internal Training Competence and Ensured OD
- Structured, Framework Based Approach to Training
- Have Tried and Tested Methodologies for the Entire Training Cycle
- Hands on, Experiential and Result Based
- Focused Group and Individualised Attention