
What we do

b. Public Health, Nutrition
Health, Nutrition and WASH are major determinants for a healthy and quality life. However, access to quality and affordable health care, nutritious diet, safe water and basic sanitation is challenge for the poor and disadvantaged, especially for girls, women and children in India.

The symbolic relationship between each other needs no elaboration; healthy populations enjoy longer and more productive lives, and a reduced risk of many diseases, resulting in stronger and more financially secure families, communities and economies.

To maximize the impact of health, nutrition and WASH, Global Pathfields takes an integrated, multi sector approach to strengthen health systems, including policy design, planning, service delivery, behaviour change communication (BCC), health & nutrition and WASH sector.

Public Health & Nutrition : Even today, 11.2 lakh children in India die before their fifth birthday. Every 25 seconds, a child under five years of age dies mostly due to preventable causes such as infections and malnutrition.

Global Pathfields passionately working to improve the health and nutrition status of newborns, mothers, expecting women, children and adolescents by adopting a life cycle approach and promoting optimal growth and development of children, especially girls from the most disadvantaged communities. In addition to that, we also focus on WASH and Sanitation interventions, for ensuring sustainable healthcare solutions

We collaborate with national and local governments, private sector, local NGOs, to integrate health reforms and also strengthen government’s RMNCH+A program at all levels. We also partner with local communities to facilitate collective efforts by adolescent and youth, especially girls and young women to promote healthy behavior and practices.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: The WASH domain of Global Pathfields comprises a range of interventions including promoting community owned programs focusing on behavior change at household/school/Anganwadi/village/slum level, leading to water and sanitation services and Open Defecation Free (ODF) Areas. Furthermore, the interventions intend to ensure that girls have access to WASH facilities at school/AWC and behavior change to promote hand washing practices resulting in reducing absenteeism and dropout rate of girls and promote safe health & hygiene practices.

Our WASH initiatives reduce disease incidences, improve drinking water systems, and promote access to toilets and hand washing facilities and advocate for the essential role of safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation.

We create awareness of WASH issues and triggering demand from citizens and local government bodies for solutions and identify scalable WASH solutions that the Government and the private sector can implement.

Key Focus Areas
- Reproductive, Maternal, New-born child survival, Child Health, family planning and nutrition services and adolescent and youth health
- Nutrition
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Communicable (including Neglected Tropical Diseases, TB, Polio and HIV/AIDS) and non-communicable diseases
- Universalization of Health Coverage and Health Systems Strengthening